This guy is confortably holed up in a western nation and has no financial worries.
He probably has no kids, or even a dog. He lives in a country that supports “royalty,” went to an American university (that bastion of old white power, Hahvahd), and writes on American built and maintained websites. He couldn’t care less who lives or dies.
While I was looking at his “credentials” a minute ago for reasons stated earlier, I came across another article in which he says his generation wants to “break up with us old people who run the world,” because “blah, blah, we would do it blah, blah better, and we would blah, blah, care about blah.”
Meanwhile, the richest people in the world are from his generation, underpaying their gig workers and NOT ensuring them any security: Facebook, Amazon, Uber, etc.
The irony is funny, huh?