What horse manure. You started out pretty good, but then degenerated into raking over a lot of non-issues.
If you're gonna bring up the same ol', same ol' that's over and done, why not rake over the sketchy past of the Democrats? You know, the Deep South and slavery thing associated with that party? Or the fact that despite decades and DECADES of promises, the Dems haven't done what they promised to do? Stuff like that.
That party screwed the pooch as far as I'm concerned, and more former Democrats--like me--have walked away from them.
After last summer's riots and the overweening hypocrisies and destruction of lives and businesses, after listening to all the CRT crap, etc, etc, AND etc, former Dems like me are fed up to the gills.
We want no part of paying for our kids to be taught to hate themselves and each other, or to separate into groups defined by race, or to embrace the commie scum we've been fighting for decades. Sure, you guys know all about "equity" and you'll do it better than Cuba, or Venezuela, or whatever. Sure you will.
I've got at least 30 more years of voting ahead of me and I intend to vote in every single election that comes my way to help ensure you guys don't get your way.
Retain power. Sure, we want to retain ALL that power we have. Hahahahaha!