Too funny. You end the piece by saying to "keep your family near you", while espousing an exit strategy to leave them behind. You think a third generation cousin in another country should clasp you to their bosom just because?
Most countries are not like the US- they don't want you and they aren't afraid to say so. Only if you have money and celebrity. Oh, but to become an au pair, or a caregiver for the elderly, or a warehouse worker! My, what a step up up in the world!
As for countries like Germany- unlike us, they expect you to have a better than beginner's command of their language, and to have your own health insurance. And they are just two generations removed from Nazi rule. Israel? Fenced in- unlike the US- and hated by their neighbors. Under constant threat. Close ally of the US. Australia? Think the Aussies love the Yanks unequivocally? Grow up. Try Morocco. Try living with Muslim religious rule, especially if you're a single woman. You'll miss Christians in a hurry.
I don't know how many times I've heard this same song. I say please hurry and leave. We need less traffic and fewer whiners.