This reads like the Con list that’s missing the column of Pros. Geez. I had my son by myself AND took care of my mother at the same time. There were times I wanted to throttle him and really could have used a partner — probably should have had a partner for child rearing. That way, you have someone who’s on YOUR side against the lawyer-like argumentative genius kids are born with.
But looking back on it, I remember mostly the good stuff. I hiked, biked, went places with him. I drove cross country with him when he just three months old. I homeschooled him through the fifth grade. We didn’t have a lot of that kid stuff laying all over the house, but I did notice I was the most mobile of my friends who had kids. Of course, they had two or more, so I really was more mobile.
I did my traveling and had my fun when I was young, and just knew I wanted at least one child before it was too late — really would have liked at least two or more. There are families where every kid seems to turn out perfectly — they go to college, win honors, get married, no one gets divorced, or does drugs, and everyone seems to get along. And then there are other families….
It’s a crap shoot like everything else in life, but having and raising kids is definitely for people not much older than 45. There are grandparents raising grandkids, who are still working, dealing with health issues, and taking care of their parents. All blessings on them.