There’s nothing strictly incorrect in what you’re saying, but it makes my butt tired. My point was that someone SHOULD have explained it to him, without rancor, hopefully. It’s a hypocritical cultural thing all over the world; we say the seven “dirty” words on television and in public, put them on our tee shirts, show and discuss sex and other intimate things on family shows, and we laugh, and then wonder why kids say the words, or want to do what they see. Ridiculous to expect people — adult or otherwise — to know what is “acceptable” and what isn’t.
As for racism, I’m so sick of hearing about it, I want to slap anyone who uses the word. The ambassador to the UN gets up in front of the world and as a black woman tells billions of people how horrible and oppressive we are to her as a nation. Bush Jr had two high ranking advisors of color, and we’ve had a black president. Enough already. Anyone brings it up anymore, I start talking about the oppression of women and Jews from Day One to the present. That shuts them up. Who can compete with that?
Racists come in all shapes and colors. Not just white and not just Western. Russians are as “racist” as anyone and they are not the West. Same with the Chinese. Etc, etc. I’ve been around the world — 12 years as a Pan Am flight attendant and before that an Air Force brat. People are people where ever you go.