Gigi J Wolf
Feb 5, 2021


The more I hear about all this, the more I’m determined to make sure you don’t succeed in your one party system. If people actually read something other than the standard biased dung, they’d know why she was voted in — and it’s not because her constituents are wild-eyed tin foil hat wearers.

For one thing, her Dem opponent had dropped out. For another, her supporters wanted someone who APPEARED to be down to earth and would “get things done” — the neurologist running with her did not give them that impression.

What is so hard to understand that people can want something that is not a leftist agenda, but not be necessarily hateful or racist? Words that have almost lost their meaning at this point.

It’s gonna be a Nixon era all over again, with people ASKING to be blacklisted by the “hateful” left.



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