Reading these responses about how “selfish” and irresponsible towards the planet people who have kids are is rather disgusting. If people want kids, they should have them. And vice versa. There’s no shame in either choice, for crying out loud. Adoption isn’t an easy decision, either, particularly since many foster children have serious issues and not everyone is cut out to deal with them.
Each and every era has had compelling reasons NOT to have kids: Two World Wars in the previous century, followed by a Cold War and the imminent threat of global annihilation, increasing terrorism, society in upheaval, etc. Why not go further back and not have kids because, “Honey, we live in a hut with a dirt floor and don’t have anything to eat and the feudal system really sucks. Our kids will be peasants!”
And what in hell is wrong with minivans? I’m tired of hearing them bashed. I have one, and I don’t even have young children. But take out the two middle seats and you’ve got a LOT of space for dogs and bikes and groceries. Mine runs like a top and is good on gas. Lay off the minivan bashing!