Oh, brother. What you REALLY mean is that millions of Americans should stop trying to achieve something and instead do the hard and thankless work YOU, and millions of others, think they should do.
I'll take these lectures more seriously when I see the preacher actually doing the things he or she wants the congregation to do.
I remember hearing about The Secret and it was no big secret how the author got rich. It was a stupid book, but lots of stupid books take hold of people's imaginations. Most people are kind of moronic, all of us are lazy to a certain extent, and all of us, without exception, are hypocrites.
And just to illustrate how one-sided and therefore hypocritical everyone is about this stuff, there's a comment a little way down where the person wants to "wish millions of people out of existence." How charming.
And how very, very much in the spirit of the thing it is. Haha!