Maybe YOU can stop being so judgemental and patronizing. You assume you “know” a random stranger who leaves a comment on your post, or anywhere else. I’m a 68 year old woman, was a single mother, and took care of my mother for many years.
I’ve seen my share of struggles in every aspect of life, and every day in the news — just for an example of recent events — I hear about things like 12 year old girls being kidnapped and given to Taliban soldiers as “wives.” That’s the upside of appreciating where you were born and the opportunities handed to you on a silver platter. Every blessing that God can bestow and people throw them away with both hands.
So, no, I did not ASSUME this woman had a “perfect life.” No one does. On the other hand, it’s hard to drum up much sympathy for someone who has only to FREAKING TURN OFF THE ELECTRONICS to get back some control.
And maybe television as an example is gross to you, but the analogy remains valid. Or any other addiction to something that has a fairly simple solution to controlling it. I lived ten years with an alcoholic and managed to keep my sanity. You want to compare addictions? Bring it. He died of his, too. If only he’d been an “influencer” instead.