Gigi J Wolf
2 min readJun 15, 2020


I’m assuming that you’re using the general “y’all.” Otherwise, that would be stereotyping, right? I never understood why people liked him, either. I disliked him decades before it was cool. I vote Green Party.

However, I’m not stupid enough to beat myself over the head for four years about it. And I did appreciate a strong economy, even if I only made a pink collar pittance.

To expect people to vote against their interests is ridiculous. A farmer votes for someone who believes he’s significant, women the same, business people, ditto.

If “y’all” had gotten off your asses to go vote, black and white, maybe things would be different.

And don’t bore me with “we couldn’t because.” No one was bothering fellow black voters at the election spots I went to. I waited three hours to vote in the midterms(and I’m disabled- what’s the absent citizens’excuse?)and they were staffed by an equal number of black paid and volunteers.

This starts with our kids — duh. My 26 year old son got us out to vote in the mids. He doesn’t have hate in heart, thank goodness, even though he was beaten up regularly by black kids while coming home from middle-school, outnumbered 8 to 1. And don’t compare it to the cops. You’d get no respect for that.

In high school — different city — 10 black kids would cut in front of him in the lunch line. When the principal told them to knock it off, they called her a racist. Just as they did the teachers. I want to see the lawsuit against someone who calls the wrong person a racist. It’s the new McCarthyism and ain’t it fun!

I’ve worked with and for tons of black men and women. Bush Jr had two of the most influential black people, as advisors, in the country at the time.

Jews and Asians — Indian and otherwise — help each other up. Always have.

An old friend of the hubs came over the other day. They talked for two hours. He has a new pickup truck, was looking fit and happy. Was a retired veteran, and had retired from two other jobs, and now works for the school district because he wants to. He’s in his early 60s probably.

There’s a black man who made some good choices.



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