I really like this article except for the blatant bias of "right wing thugs" and "Nazis". They may be those things, but as long as they are conducting peaceful, law abiding marches and demonstrations, they have the right to do so. Propaganda is spouted from both sides of the aisle, and by the corporations, as you pointed out. I've always said it: Whatever one side can do, so can the other. Crowing over the vanquishing of one side is misplaced. They can turn around and do it you.
And how is that not insider trading when you know so much about the crops? Seems pretty cut and dried to me, if you'll excuse the pun.
Farmers, consumers, everybody--HAS to vote with their feet and their wallets. Surely, there are companies who can build machines in competition with Deere and Medtronic? Why on earth wouldn't hospital personnel have seen this particular danger years ago? It's not like we haven't been warned of dangerous flus before now.