Member-only story
Black Friday: A Beloved Holiday Tradition
A new religion that will bring you to your knees, Black Friday if you please
At the risk of being seen as shallow, a risk I’m always willing to take, I’d like to bring your attention to an oft-overlooked religion in America, Canada, the UK, and many other countries.
The adherents have been scattered across the globe in the search for Religious Freedom from Oppression.
They worship all year round, but they come out for their main services at the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, just like you and I. The cockles of my heart wax warm just thinking about it.
I will illustrate in pictures, so that everyone will be privileged to see their rituals.
Normally, photographers aren’t allowed into their churches during this Oh So Holy Time. They stay away out of respect. But through the Miracle of Surveillance, we can share the joy and the pain of the worshipers.
Worshipers begin by spending their entire day, and sometimes the night before, waiting for something. It could be the Wells Fargo wagon, or it could be, yes, it really, really could be, th-omething th-pecial, Just For Me!